Tuesday, July 8, 2014

How To Get Rid Of The Fungus Underneath Your Nails

Soak your toenails for 15 - 20 minutes in basin full of warm water and natural apple cider vinegar mixed in equal proportion. When done, dry your toenails thoroughly. Use a hair dryer on warm setting to absorb all the moisture in and around the toes. Apple cider vinegar is a mild acid and prevents toenail fungus from spreading. It is very effective as a complementary treatment but it may not be as effective as the main method of treatment. Paronychia often causes scaling and the fungus then thrives under the layers of dead skin. Exfoliation is therefore an extremely important aspect of Paronychia treatment. When exfoliating the affected area, make sure that you do not apply excessive pressure as this would result in abrasions and pain. You can make your own anti-fungal exfoliating scrub by mixing coarsely ground rice flour with a few spoons of apple cider vinegar. Apply this paste over the affected nail and the surrounding area and then gently rub it into the nail and skin. You can use a cotton swab to ensure that your entire nail is well scrubbed. If your skin is cut or sore, avoid massaging your skin and instead concentrate only on your toenail. This exfoliating scrub will help to get rid of dead skin and nail cells and will also help to keep your skin soft and prevent cracking. You can rinse your feet well and then dry them with a soft towel. Mix equal amounts of lemon juice and olive oil and massage this into your feet. The olive oil will help to soften your skin while the lemon juice will help to control the fungal infection.

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